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What's with the Site Name?
In ancient times, there was a man by the name of Joseph. His life journey began as a shepherd boy and ended with him as second in command of an influential nation.
In between, he was a slave, a prisoner for a crime he did not commit, the in-charge of all the prisoners before becoming the second in command of a nation overnight.
His life journey took him away from his beloved family. He experienced betrayal, abandonment, injustice, separation from family and friends and more.
But despite these, he chose to see his experiences as a preparation for what he was destined for - to be the second in command of an influential nation so that he could save his family, his people and other nations during a very difficult time of famine, 7 years to be exact.
For many of us, and certainly for those we have met, this story resembles our own journey in life. Our personal and professional lives take different twists and turns. People we meet along our life journey hone us in different ways. But ultimately, the questions we usually ask along the way are "What was I born to do?" "What is the purpose of my life?" "How do I get there?"
In a sense, we are all part of the Joseph company; sharing life experiences that somehow pivot us to our life's destiny.
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