Unemployed professionals: do you make looking for a job your full time job? You might want to re-consider that. Here's an article with 12 productive things you can do while unemployed.

#1: Take a week off of life: Just make sure you set an alarm for a week later and don't sink so far into the couch that you can't get up.
#2: Take care of your mental health: You won't be able to fully appreciate your next opportunity until you've dealt with the one you recently left behind.
#3: And take care of your physical self, too: It will get you out of the house and give you the endorphin rush you need to fill out job applications.
#4: Brush up on a skill you haven't used in a while: Chances are, you have a skill…but haven’t used it in quite a while…take free classes from the convenience of your couch that will help you revive those skills so you can be prepared at your next interview.

#5: Or, learn a new skill: Sift through a few job openings in your field and you'll quickly find a few skills that many jobs require, but you don't necessarily have. Take this time to learn them. Check out available training grants too.
#6: Figure out your finances: Take this as an opportunity to build fiscally conservative habits.
#7: Travel (on a budget): Take a road trip, or stay with a friend or family member, and enjoy yourself - so long as you don't let your spending get out of control. Borders are open, explore what works for you. Visit local sites or take a staycation.
#8: Schedule as many informational interviews as you can: It's a great way to make connections, gauge your interest in potential careers, and meet someone who might lead to a job offer down the road.
#9: Read everything: Use your free time to keep up with current events and topics, and not only will it make your small talk more meaningful, but it will make you a more informed person.

#10: Do what you love (but not all the time): Whether it's painting, cycling, baking, or anything else that brings you joy, let yourself take time to enjoy it - just not all the time.
#11: Get some perspective: No matter how you found yourself unemployed, you need to decide what to do next.
#12: And of course, apply to lots of jobs.