In her article "5 #CoreCapabilities Needed In A #PostCovidWorld, Dr Jaclyn Lee, CHRO of Singapore University of Tech & Design, shares succinctly what we need to think about to adapt to a very fast changing future. #COVID19 is not only a time or #resetting but also a time for #repositioning, #rethinking and maybe even #relaunching.Â
I agree with Jaclyn that adaptability is really key in grappling with the new normal. If I've learnt anything in the past decade or so, it's about adapting to various situations, systems and people. We often talk about the first two, but the third is important too.Â
"As the world transforms, people with an ability to adapt and respond to unique unexpected circumstances of the moment will thrive in the workplace." Dr Jaclyn Lee.
In having a #growthmindset, Jaclyn talks about #collaborative #brainstorming. I believe there is so much value when we tap on the ideas of many, without putting limits or boundaries on any idea. Then work through each idea as a team to see if it would work. Along the way, be agile enough to adjust again...

I've done this when I take teams out on community outreaches overseas and it's really fun to just share openly all our ideas (the sky is the limit) then get down to what we can do, and then adjust again when we are on the ground running!
"Collaborative brainstorming is an important aspect of growth as we seek to build upon one another’s ideas through active brainstorming. " Dr Jaclyn Lee
The world has grown so small that it's really not a big deal to be collaborating with different regions these days. What I would agree with Jaclyn is that we need #socialintelligence to be better able to align with others.
"When we work with people from all cultures, race, and religion, having social intelligence allows us to develop deep and meaningful relationships with others, to collaborate, and to sense and adapt our thinking styles, and mannerisms to align with others." Dr Jaclyn Lee.
Media has been very key in communicating and influencing thoughts and purchases. Advertisements in newspapers as well as on television and radio were the ways before. Today, it's social media - YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Shopee, Q100, Lazada, Alibaba etc.
More importantly, it's the reviews that really make one organisation or store stand out more than the others. So the media may have changed, but I believe recommendations or reviews are still a very key method to anybody's business, brand or personal brand.
"The ability to develop content using new media forms and to leverage these for persuasive communication becomes the key for sustainability and to winning new customers." Dr Jaclyn Lee.

Someone I recently spoke to implied that the days of a marketing executor are gone. What organisations need are marketeers who know how to interpret big data and use that to make decisions to influence buyers to bring in profits.
Jaclyn also talks about the importance #computationalthinking to spot trends and patterns in various areas of businesses:
"In the push towards a more tech driven society, the need for computational thinking becomes even more crucial and urgent as we use data to spot trends and patterns for use in consumer marketing, human resources, banking and other sectors." Dr Jaclyn Lee
One of the things Jaclyn ends her article with is the #gigeconomy. The gig economy is something that our own Singapore MPs talked about a few years ago. Though there are many challenges as a gig worker, including volatile income, it may just be the way of life going forward as companies try to remain agile in a very fast changing economic environment.Â

#VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) has been talked about before. VUCA is really the 'new normal'.
Could you share how you are managing VUCA?
Read Dr Jaclyn's article at this link.